FO: 1.25 Durumi Tees

I did it! I was able to whip up a tiny Durumi tee for Jellybean to coordinate with mine. I love long weekends where I can dedicate my time to foolishness.
Durumi tees
Because aren’t the silly things that make you smile the best things in life? I think so.
Durumi tees

I had another color palette originally in mind for this sweater and then I went digging through my stash for one thing and totally forgot I still had this lovely red orange yarn leftover and that it would probably pop really well with a neutral – I was right. Add in a little touch of bright blue and you’ve got a fun piece. I’ve also been super surprised by how many people have told me ‘no one ever does colorwork with cotton’ or ‘colorwork with cotton is so difficult.’ Well, it has been pretty enjoyable for me and I’m happy to take colorwork patterns I really like and make them wearable for spring/summer.
Durumi tees
The only thing I would probably change would be to make the neck opening smaller. My friend Lavon noticed it when I showed her my work in progress and I hadn’t noticed in the pics how wide the neckline was but it doesn’t make it unwearable. I just have a mental note if I make this again.
If you follow my Instagram stories you probably saw Jellybean’s sweater come to life over the weekend. I needed a break from the body stockinette and I picked up the yarn and did the math to make her a tiny sweater. This little yoke tickled me to no end. And since I didn’t want her sweater to blend in completely with mine I changed up the color order a bit so she’d stand out when I hold her.
Durumi tees
This is her favorite way to be held and if I hold her like this long enough she’ll rest her head on my shoulder and go to sleep. She’s such a sweet little nugget.
Durumi tees
I also think she was over all of my photos at this point. And if you’re worried about whether or not Cher wanted a sweater…Cher and the Durumi tees
She gets super hot in the summer and overheats easily, so I knew I wasn’t making her one. And Bean is the opposite and is freezing in the AC and her belly is pretty hairless, so clothes are necessary all year. Besides, Cher just wants to sit on soft knits, not actually wear them.
Durumi tees
And now before I start on another Pom Pom Magazine project I’ve decided I need a metallic pink Togue Pond tank to go with my rose gold clogs. Priorities!

40 Replies to “FO: 1.25 Durumi Tees”

  1. Wow! Love the color combo and the one for Jellybean is adorable. How do you knit so fast???

    1. Well the dog sweater is really just a few hours, that doesn’t take long at all since it’s so small. And I’d say since this was short sleeved I was able to work it faster. Plus I took it with me to the movies to knit the body since I didn’t have to really look at it.

  2. I love your Durumi!!! And of course Jellybean’s too. Your commitment to trying sweaters in cotton inspires me. I am using fingering weight cotton and linen more now. I knit cotton colorwork once and it was tricky to get a rythem going, but I loved the finished product- except it didn’t fit. But the colorwork was fun.

    1. I want to be able to wear my knits all the time and unfortunately if it’s a heavy wool it just won’t get worn that often. It just doesn’t always get that cold in MD/DC but when it is I’m ready for that too.

  3. DWJ, you are hill-aaarrrioouuuss!!! đŸ™‚ The colors turned out sooooo well on BOTH Durumi’s!!! And thanks for throwing me under the bus, next time I’ll keep my comments to myself đŸ˜‰ You look great, as always, in that sweater and you did a beautiful job knitting it up and making mods for Jellybean! You have def proved those non-cotton colorworkers wrong! Way to go, DWJ!!! đŸ˜€

    1. I didn’t throw you under the bus! LOL You made a good point that the neck is a bit wide. I would definitely make it smaller if I make this again.

  4. The colours work so great together, I love it! And Jellybean’s sweater is just too much to handle, she looks so adorable đŸ™‚

    1. Jellybean is such a little knitwear model. Now if she would just listen when you tell her commands she’d be perfect LOL

  5. Love both sweaters — esp. the notation “.25” for Jellybean’s sweater! I’ve found that cotton is just so much less elastic than wool that often ribbing doesn’t do what I expect it to. What most impresses me about this sweater is how smooth the texture is, even though you’ve done all that stranding. Really a blue-ribbon project!

    1. Thank you! I think this particular yarn washes up well and really lays well – unfortunately it is discontinued. I swear every time I fall in love with a yarn they stop carrying it!

  6. That first photo made me laugh out loud! So cute (both of you!) and I love—love—the colors.

    1. I am happy to spread a little joy. I love the colors too. That red orange shade is just good I was happy I got a chance to include it in another project.

  7. Your matching sweaters are just the most adorable things I’ve ever seen! So sweet. Beautiful work and lucky pups!

  8. So cute! Jellybean looks very happy with her sweater. Love the bright, cheerful colors!

  9. I really like the yoke on this tee. Do you have description somewhere how to knit it? It looks different from the original pattern in PomPom. I do like loose necklines :-). Love all the color touches on this piece.

    1. I knit it per the pattern, only change was the short sleeves. I find it a bit wide and when I looked back at the pictures I realized you could tell it is wide.

  10. Just found your interview on MDK which led me to this blog entry. I have been following your blog for a few months now and looked time and again at your awesome projects. In the interview, I saw that you were going to do a Durumi but when I looked it up, it didn’t look like anything I had seen on your blog/Rav projects list, so found this entry and there it was. Shoot, I’ve seen this one and the one for Jellybean. The difference between yours and the Rav entry for Durumi is COLOR! You’ve added the white at the top, the blue at the end of the sleeves and body. It totally pops and outshines all the other ones, IMHO. I would give so much to have your eye for color, but until it comes, I will follow you wherever you may go!!!
    PS: I know how you feel about your puppies. We have 2 greyhounds and love them SO MUCH. I’ve knit only one sweater, but I know they would get a lot more if they were the size of your two or if I could knit much faster! Oh, well, I’ll just have to give them a few more treats! đŸ˜‰

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