FO: Shades of Blue Sweater (2x)

It was a glorious snowy weekend in Maryland. I was able to cook earlier in the week so I had lots of good food and didn’t have to worry about cooking all weekend. So that meant I was able to spend all day on the couch bundled up with the dogs finishing my husband’s shades of blue sweater. YAY!
Holiday 2017
I think he really likes it, the fit was spot on but he got hit with some sudden sickness Saturday afternoon so this was about all the enthusiasm he could give me. Wait until you see our holiday photo. LOL I told him to save his energy to try to give me a smile…I got some smirks but it was still a good pic (I’ll share it later this week). If you need a reminder of the sweater he asked for you can see it on this post. This was a simple top down raglan sweater pattern by Joji. I know I could’ve done the math and figured it all out myself but I just didn’t want to do all that work. I intentionally picked dk weight so that it would like nicer and despite the 300 stitches I had to knit for that body I love how clean and nice it came out. I used Berroco Vintage DK that I bought from Little Knits on super sale and I’ve still got a skein of each color leftover…I may have a cardigan in shades of blue in my future. And on Sunday morning I whipped up this version to match for Cher.
Cher’s shades of blue sweater
I love her sweet face. She always looks like she doesn’t care but she’s the most loved dog you’ll ever find. I didn’t tell my husband I was making Cher a matching sweater with his because I just wanted to surprise him. I figured if Jellybean and I wore our matching Angelina sweaters for our holiday photos he and Cher should match too. I was right, it was super cute and now he and his favorite furry girl can coordinate this winter. My holiday photos are done, cards for the new year have been ordered and my holiday shopping has been completed. Now to just finish grading final papers and entering grades and I can have a little breathing room before things really get crazy in the new year. How’s your holiday planning going?

26 Replies to “FO: Shades of Blue Sweater (2x)”

  1. Both sweaters look fantastic! Nice fit, too, which I find is never easy. You are so fast! Thanks for inspiring me to get my daughter’s gifts finished, and to get things blocked (in spite of kitten help😼)

    1. I never feel like I’m fast but when I look back at the dates I realize I’m quicker than I think I am. I think it’s that I’m always thinking of what the next project will be.

  2. Ohhhh, Dana! I love your blog so much. These are fabulous sweaters! I can see lovely drape of your husband’s even in the picture. And precious Cher. Be still my heart. ❤️

    1. Just wait until you see our holiday photo…all the hand knits and lots of matching!

  3. love the sweater!!! and looks good on handsome hubby!! and cher seems to be the perfect model. great job as usual

  4. I love this sweater and all the blue shades! Also, I absolutely love the fact that you made a matching sweater for Cher and now you have coordinated clothes for all the family, this is so adorable!
    And just wanted to let you know that I followed your advice and bought “Seamless knits for posh pups”. I’m not giving up on trying to knit a well sized sweater for my parents’ Nika!

    1. Oh I can’t wait to see what you make for Nika! I’m telling you that book is super easy to follow the patterns.

  5. I love it; it’s sharp with clean and modern vibes. How fun Cher matches. I hope he gets well soon. Tell him my hub feels his pain as he working through a mini flu at the moment.

    1. I can’t resist matching, I know it’s silly and over the top but hey it’s fun!

  6. The blues are gorgeous! As everyone has said, the drape for this yarn is very nice. Big sweaters can end up looking like you’re wearing sandwich boards if you don’t keep the weight down! I keep showing your great guy-n-dog knits to my guy, but he says he’s pretty sure our kitty wouldn’t be up for a new sweater. LOL. Gonna have to content myself with making some matching things for stepson and grandson, I guess…

    1. God bless my husband for putting up with me sometimes. LOL He’s such a trooper but Cher adores him to pieces and I couldn’t resist getting them to match.

    1. Thanks! I tried to really make sure I was spot on with my gauge and had him try it on a few times as I went along, especially to make sure his cuffs were just right.

  7. Awesome sweaters! Those blues are so gorgeous together, and the raglan cut is a beautiful classic. And the fitting on both are perfect!

    1. Thank you, I blindly ordered the blues online hoping they’d work well together. It was a risky move but it paid off in the end.

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