FO: Double the Dogs

I’ve been on a bit of a toy kick lately. Once I start something and gain momentum I like to keep riding that train (perhaps why I just keep on knitting sweaters…). Since I made Wasabi the Whale I decided to make my friend’s son Jacob a stuffed dog toy. We are hoping to visit them and he likes pictures of my dogs but isn’t 100% comfortable around dogs so I thought why not give him his own? And then once I made one I said, well I can’t leave out his little sister…
Seeing double dogs
So we’ve now had a family of four dogs in our house. Jellybean has been utterly fascinated by them. I don’t know if she wants to snuggle them or thinks they’re a toy for her to play with, so I’ve been keeping them away from her.
Seeing double dogs
Jacob’s favorite color is purple so I pulled out this really dark purple from my stash of Caron Simply Soft and decided to whip up the first dog. I didn’t stuff his head as much as I think I could have so after I washed him he’s become much more of a floppy dog. Which is super cute. His ears fall down more like Cher’s do, which I love. And I added in a little green bow tie because I felt like he was just too naked. And once I did that, Cher wanted to snuggle him. Perhaps she thought I was making her a boo?
Seeing double dogs
For his little sister Leah (you’ll remember her from this post) I dug into my stash and pulled out this super bright hot fuchsia yarn from Deborah Norville that I’ve had forever. I used one skein to make a hat and I loved the vividness of the color and how soft it was but never found something to use it with until now. I also haven’t seen this colorway ever again – why does this always happen to me? It was perfect for this project and her dog has stiffer ears because the yarn is a bit heavier. And I added a scarf to hers as an accessory. I matched their accessories to the eyes of the other dog as a fun little detail.
The entire time I was making both of these I felt like they looked so much like Jellybean since she is a chihuahua (Cher is half pug) and the dolls were even matching up in terms of size too!
Pup in progress
And since my girlfriend Rachel knows how to knit she asked me when I made the second doll to show her the progress as it was made. So I actually have a kind of step-by-step as I went along. I’m hoping these become beloved toys that they play with and love on for years to come. And I have a feeling I’ll be making a few more toys before the year is up!
Seeing double dogs
So have any of you made toys before? What are your favorite patterns?

15 Replies to “FO: Double the Dogs”

  1. These are SO adorable. I stared Alex the Mouse as part of the Year of Techniques I am doing, but I haven’t gotten very far … and so far (s)he’s my only foray into toy knitting!

    1. Well these were fun so I hope to make more toys! I’ve got a lot of little kids in my life.

  2. The puppies are darling, sure to be hailed around till they’re worn out with love.

    Henry’s bunny, a sweet freebie on Ravelry, is a perfect size for a little one to hold…. Easy to knit and cute enough that I didn’t really want to give it away!

    1. I know the feeling about not wanting to give it away. I was a little sad packing these guys up to go to their new home!

  3. How funny! I didn’t know dog noses were sold also besides the eyes. I need to stock up on eyes as I want to hook up some amigurumi for my friend’s daughters. I’m glad your canine babies appreciate their mama’s knitting and don’t want to tear them up.

    1. I probably should’ve mentioned where I got the eyes and noses! I got them from this Etsy shop recommended by the pattern designer: Lots of options for eyes and noses and I liked these because they looked like my dog’s nose. And I was worried Jellybean might go running with them and think it’s a new toy but she just sniffed them a lot.

  4. I love making toys, just that I crochet them, not knit. It’s fun! Knitting a dog for a boy who is nervous around them reminds me a little of how I crochet cats for my nephew who adores them but is very allergic and can’t keep one. I was told he sleeps every night with the Simon’s Cat I crocheted for him đŸ˜‰ Hope that Jacob will enjoy and cherish his stuffed doggie just as much!
    The photo with all 4 dogs is super precious đŸ˜‰

    1. Toys make me want to learn to crochet but I just haven’t sat down long enough to really figure it out. One day!

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