FO: Grey’s Hoodie

I think 2018 might be my year of small projects. They’re just so satisfying and quick! My latest is a seed stitch hoodie for my friend’s son.
This is the Manda Ruth cardigan, a simple top down hooded sweater for a baby. A lot of people in comments said the sizing was small but I’ve made this pattern twice (the first one was for Jacob who I made a stuffed dog for last year) and it has fit both recipients so I don’t necessarily agree with the comments. I think the color possibilities for this are endless and I love a little hoodie for kids for spring. When it’s getting a little chilly and you might not have a hat at least you’ve got a hood!
I don’t love doing seed stitch but it’s better to do it in small sizes rather than larger ones. And since today is Valentine’s Day I thought I’d share the cutest Valentines that were sent to the dogs.
Jacob and his sister Leah who I made the stuffed dogs for named their dogs Max and Sally and Jacob thought Max and Sally should send Cher and Jellybean Valentines! Kids are just the best. Happy Valentine’s Day!

4 Replies to “FO: Grey’s Hoodie”

  1. Sooooo cute! Did you make one for Baby Gordon? I saw him on your project page in a baby sweater and I know you try and do another cardi for them once they get a little older . . . Little projects are still great accomplishments for your 2018 knitting numbers, they all add up 😉

    1. The parents sent me pics over the weekend of him in the sweater and it made my day!

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