FO: Baldric & A Beanie Sweater

I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday if you celebrate Christmas. My husband bought me the camo print Fringe Field Bag with a few enamel pins he thought were cute and gave me a gift card to my favorite yarn shop! He loves me. I was able to finish a gift to myself to wear on the big day and I had just enough yarn leftover to make Jellybean a little sweater too. I mean, what else was I going to do with just 130 yards of leftover yarn?

Baldric and Beanie
As a former yearbook editor I can say this would be the ultimate yearbook photo. LOL

I knit myself the Baldric sweater (you might remember the rose gold version I made my BFF Jess this summer) using Madelintosh Pure Merino Worsted in Cosmic Silver and the Rosco sweater for Bean because it was the same gauge of my project and had texture like my sweater did. So let’s take a look at both, shall we?
Baldric and Beanie
Baldric is a simple top down raglan with very little finishing, so it has a casual feel to it. And you can make it with more ease to make it even more casual. What I really liked about it and why I wanted to make it for myself was the textured panel down the sides and on the arms.
Baldric and Beanie
A little bit of garter stitch detailing goes a long way. It’s a nice touch on a simple sweater like how the Flax sweater has it running down the arms. Or how Mountain High has a panel down the front and decorate details at the raglan increases.
Baldric and Beanie
And each sleeve places the garter detail in different spots for more interest. It makes knitting a sleeve a lot more interesting that just a stockinette tube. I did start my increases higher up and made them shorter than what’s in the pattern because I have short arms so they’re fitted very nicely for me.
Baldric and Beanie
For Beanie I cracked open my trusty dusty copy of Seamless Knits for Posh Pups and settled on the Rosco sweater. It’s a top down version that had almost identical gauge to the Baldric sweater AND has some interesting texture to it. In fact I loved this right twist stitch so much I whipped up a hat with that stitch for myself (more on that later this week).
It’s such a fun way to create the look of a cable without the cable! And I’ve got a fun pom pom in cheetah print to add to this hat.
Baldric and Beanie
With the temps being so low this time of year, Bean has been living in her wool sweaters. And even when wearing a sweater I still find her laying across heating vents to get a blast of warm air and she still naps and stays on her heated mats all day. It’s cold out there for a tiny chihuahua. I’ve got to keep her warm. Cher has a bit more body weight on her so she doesn’t need to be in clothes as much as Beanie does.
Baldric and Beanie
Oh and I also tried to capture how my Flyknit Nikes mimic the same colors and flecks as the Cosmic Silver colorway of the yarn. This yarn is so soft and cozy and the color is just so happy with all the little flecks of brightness on the pale grey. I have a feeling I’ll be wearing a lot during the winter months. So it’s that selfish knitting time of year, what are you planning on making yourself?

27 Replies to “FO: Baldric & A Beanie Sweater”

  1. I love your sweater and Jellybean’s too! I’m afraid I’m going to expect you both to have matching sweaters every time you knit one:)
    I love your Nikes! I’ll have to show those to my son the sneaker head.

    1. Surprisingly, my 16 year old godson seems to approve of most of my sneaker choices. And as for sweaters for Bean…when there is leftover yarn she can always have one. 🙂

  2. Love the sweaters and this yarn is gorgeous too – neutral and super colourful at once 🙂

    1. It’s the best of both worlds! A neutral but little pops of fun color 🙂 I have it in dk weight too.

  3. So much goodness here, Dana! This looks like such a comfy sweater, and I’m in love with the speckled yarn! And Jelly in her matching sweater . . . no words. 🙂

    1. Jellybean has been freezing lately so I’m all about making her little sweaters to throw on during the day while I’m at work. This morning I had to put her in a tiny snowsuit! It was 15 degrees out.

  4. The dynamic duo!!! You both look absolutely fab-u-Lous!!! 🙂

  5. I fell for Baldric the first time around, so now you’ve really convinced me that I need to make one of these for myself! (That perfect yearbook pic is the best. You both look so proud — and rightly so!) Now… The only thing is, I’ve got three big skeins of wonderful fingering weight standing by to become a sweater. It’s going to take some math, but I’m thinking I’ll try converting gauge to make it work.

    1. Whoa that’s going to be a lot of yarn! I am determined though to knit myself a fingering weight sweater this year. Maybe make that a summer project.

  6. I was just thinking that I wanted a simple raglan sweater that wasn’t a Flax sweater. Your gorgeous sweater has influenced my Ravelry queue😉

  7. I have a Berg sweater pattern from Julie Hoover to start. I have done my gauge swatch and I am going to measure some sweaters I have that I like to get an idea of sizing. I haven’t made a sweater before – long ago I made a vest.
    I think I am a little fearful for some reason.
    Your happy blog gives me courage!

    1. I totally get it, I was really scared to do a sweater. Then I took a class at my local yarn shop and realized it wasn’t that intimidating. Seaming still makes me sweat a bit but for the most part I love sweater knitting.

      1. It is sort of silly to be afraid of yarn but I invested in these skeins! I am sure after the first one I will be confident. PS I make dog sweaters too.

  8. ٩(♡ε♡ )۶ Sometimes I see a pattern on Rav and I don’t fave it because it doesn’t grab me. But then I may see someone I follow make it and then the pattern has so much more appeal. Love your version.

    1. I feel like that too sometimes. I’m more drawn to some of the projects and how other people interpreted it than the original version!

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