Little Things & Lots of Color

There are lots of little things I’ve been loving lately that I thought I’d share. I mentioned the other day that I won one of the extra prices in the Summer of Basics Makealong for making Jellybean a tiny Angelina pullover to match mine. Well, I got to pick a field bag in the color of my choice (I love my field bag but the first versions just came in plain canvas) so of course I chose the bright cobalt blue. When it arrived I thought it was only fitting to put Jellybean in her sweater and pop her in the field bag.
She’s so tiny and so cute that I have to share that silliness with everyone else. You’re welcome.
I’ve also been pouring over the latest issue of Pom Pom QuarterlyPom Pom Quarterly, I recommend grabbing a digital copy or ordering a paper copy. I’m obsessed with a couple of sweaters (I can see myself knitting this one for myself after the holidays). But there was a column by Anna Matlz and illustration by Amy Blackwell that just got me.
Loud Slow Fashion
Anna wrote about the slow fashion movement but touched on something about the movement that has felt a bit off-putting to me. Whenever we talk about fashion, style or basics it’s about neutrals like gray, white, camel and black. Those are the colors I have the least of in my wardrobe. So even when I posted pics for the Summer of Basics Makealong it was obvious that I stuck out like a sore thumb with my rainbow cardigan contrasting against a lot of neutrals. And don’t get me wrong, if neutrals are your thing, rock on (my BFF Jess lives in black but I always put her in color). It’s just not me. Here’s one quote I loved (it was full of many):

I wholeheartedly agree with the growing call for respectful and conscientious consumerism…However I cannot get on board with the dominant approach to achieving such a wardrobe. You see, when I hear terms like ‘neutrals’, ‘classic’, ‘timeless’, ‘chic’, ‘staples’ or ‘basics’ I start to squirm with ornery conviction…

She leans more towards the colorful and unique to fill her wardrobe much like I do and I felt like someone got how I feel about color being a vital part of a wardrobe.
Loud Slow Fashion
These are some of my favorites I’ve made for myself and they get worn repeatedly. Why? Because the color makes me happy whenever I put them on and isn’t that what it’s all about? I think I’m going to have to start using the hashtag #loudslowfashion moving forward.
And the really dope illustration on the article was by Amy Blackwell. Of course I wanted to see more of her colorful work and that lead me to her website where I bought one of these hand painted sweater brooches! How adorable is this? I can’t wait to pin it on one of my many winter coats.

So those are the little things that I’m obsessed with lately. Have any of you grabbed that copy of Pom Pom Quarterly? What do you think about color as a neutral?

11 Replies to “Little Things & Lots of Color”

  1. Yes, yes, yes!!! I love slow fashion and living simply but I cannot stand the aesthetic of all boring neutrals. Hot pink is a neutral in my wardrobe! Thank you for sharing this and for making me feel less like a misfit because I crave and wear a lot of colour. I love the #loudslowfashion hashtag!

    Jellybean in her teeny sweater in the field bag just made my day. šŸ™‚

  2. I feel the same about minimalism and slow fashion! I actually think I’m a minimalist by nature, I just feel bad when my wardrobe is overcrowded and whenever I get something new I must get rid of something old (give it away, not throw away). But all the aesthetics of “Paris chic”, “evergreen staples” etc. is just not my style. It can look great on others but doesn’t appeal to me. Colour is one reason, and style in general another – I loft soft, snuggly things rather than official, classic style. So I love your loud slow fashion idea!

  3. When I think ‘basics’, I think of shape-a T, turtleneck, pants. And while I have clothes in neutral colors I mostly wear color and prints. I wear a lot of pants in neutral colors: navy, black, beige so I really like wearing color and prints on top to break it up. I work with a couple of people that wear color but only solids and mostly muted colors. For me that’s almost as boring as only wearing black or beige. I sew as well as knit and make most of my clothes so I don’t buy many ready-to-wear garments. I love your colorful sweaters. They would mesh perfectly with my things.

    Jellybean = cuteness overload!!

  4. What drew me to your blog after I stumbled across it was your joy and your color choices and use. I think they’re related….one feeds the other.

    My color preferences do change/evolve, but red and it’s neighbors on the color wheel are my favorites. Red is a neutral… a lovely, bright one! And what color cannot be used alongside red?

    1. Red is my husband’s favorite color so he always wants me to wear red but I tend to gravitate towards HOT pink. But hey, whatever color it is, I’ll wear it!

  5. I like your ideas about color! Here’s a story…When I saw the muted color palette of a fabulous new yarn that was being brought into my favorite LYS, I asked the owner if she would think about bringing in a brighter color too. Her answer was “Probably not, this is a sophisticated set of colors.” Now, she and I joke about her penchant for gray and black, allowing for a muted gold or a yellowed green here and there, but I was sort of put off by her comment indicating that color is not sophisticated. I find color uplifting and joyful, and I love that your wardrobe is full of them. Thanks for a wonderful blog!

    1. Oh that would’ve totally been off putting to me! I can appreciate a neutral but what about appreciating a vibrant red too!

  6. I really enjoyed this post — I want to go grab that issue of Pom Pom now (love the mag but haven’t got the current issue). Whether I gravitate toward colors or neutrals really depends on my mood! Sometimes I want nothing more than to knit with some undyed sheepy wool and other times I want to knit the rainbow! But I think the point that a lot of stuff presented as slow fashion often has one very particular aesthetic – in terms of color, and often in terms of shapes too – is a really good one. Maybe I can find a copy of the issue at Yarndale this weekend!

    Also how good is the cobalt fringe bag? I loooove mine

    1. Definitely grab a copy, it was a good read and the patterns in that issue are just lovely.

      Also, yes I love the cobalt fringe bag. But secretly I’m hoping she’ll do a Kelly green one! That’s my favorite color.

  7. What I’ve gained from my minimalistic wardrobe, is a great Background to make my colourful knits really Pop. I notice you do too: In many of your photos above you are wearing white top and blue jeans (plus in your case, hot pink is a neutral!) Your combinations are always fresh, cheerful and invigorating. Yep, I get a positive rush just looking at your FO pics. I will have to look out for this Edition!

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