FO: First of the Year

Before I talk about my first finished object of the year I thought I’d give an update on what I was going to do with my Flaum cardigan. Based on the feedback and the fact that I totally deleted my notes and don’t know where I am with short rows…I’m frogging it. I’ll put that yarn to good use on another project and I’m even considering dying it another color. I’ll let you know. Now on to FO’s….

I feel like I’m starting a tradition and that my first finished object of the year is something for my cousin Safia. Last year I finished off a basic raglan in a lovely pink wool for her and this year my first project of 2017 was again for her, a cozy red Lila sweater.
Safia's sweater
Since I loved my Lila Top Down sweater last year I decided to make Safia the bulky weight version, Lila Winter. {Side note, I really do love the Madder Anthology 2 collection of patterns. Out of the 15 patterns I’ve knit 5 so far and have 2 on my list to do soon.} I still had some of my Knit Picks Mighty Bulky (all the Mighty Stitch yarns on sale this month if you want to give it a try) in a lovely red leftover from another project and thought it would be a great color for her. I was right. Also the bulky weight version was super quick. Exhibit A:
I started this sweater on January 1 and this is where I was by the end of the night on January 2. I had to finish off the sleeves during my morning commute. Otherwise I would’ve finished it the next day. And while I was traveling for work my husband had to go to Chicago for work so he got to hand deliver this new sweater to Safia the following week.
Safia's sweater
She wore it to work the very next day. I’m pretty sure that solidified how much she liked it. We FaceTime’d when she tried it on and she kept saying, “it’s just so soft!” LOL Softness, great color and a great fit – I don’t think I could’ve asked for more in a finished project. I really do like this yarn but find when you wash it on delicate cycle is fuzzes up a bit so I prefer to hand wash with this yarn and that seems to solve that issue. If you’ve looking for a simple shape and an easy knit, I think this pattern might be the one for you.

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