All the Good Things

I took a little break from everything last week and it felt good. Last week there was so much that happened so I felt like sharing a little life recap.
Wednesday was my husband’s birthday and I took him to a Nationals baseball game. He’s a New Yorker (hello, Brooklyn) and is definitely a Yankees fan but he also roots for the home team. And he really roots for the home team when they’re playing against the Mets. I’m not a big baseball fan but I’m always happy to sit at the stadium on a gorgeous night with my husband and my best friend Jess came for her first Nats game too.
Friday was Cher’s 12th birthday and I happened to take the day off and got to spend it with her. Of course I tortured her with an official birthday portrait but she got lots of belly rubs, extra walks so she could sniff the entire neighborhood and I even found doggy cannoli for her special day.
She is zoned in on this birthday cannoli - also who knew they made cannoli's for dogs?! Happy birthday Cher! #cherstagrams #dogbirthday
Is my dog spoiled? You betcha! Saturday was spent having lunch and hanging out with a friend who currently lives in Brazil. And since my husband recently upgraded me to an iPhone…I bought an Apple Watch. And I spent my evening finishing off the rest of my Lipstick cardigan (pics to come once I take pictures in it).
Just a few rows to finish this cardigan and a few snuggles before I get my Sunday started 😍🐢 #knittersofinstagram #cherstagrams #dwjknits
Sunday morning I got to spend a little time snuggling with Cher and finishing off the neckband of my cardigan before we headed to church. We officially became godparents to our friend’s baby girl.
Paige's Baptism
She’s in the adorable chubby baby stage with all kinds of baby rolls all over the place. She’s so calm and sweet. And we spent the afternoon with their family and our friends celebrating her baptism.
And since my sweater was finished, I started another the Rain Outside shawl on Sunday night and worked up to the halfway point by Monday. I really love this pattern and see myself making this up quite often. In addition to knitting I’ve been getting ready for a GRE prep course I start tonight. I’ve decided I want to apply for a PhD program and hopefully go back to school full time next year (fingers crossed I get accepted into the program). Nothing makes me feel as old (or a little dumb) as doing math practice tests but hey, this is why I’m paying to take a prep course. I’m smart enough to know that I’m a bit rusty! This last week has flown by but it was filled with good things, so I cannot complain.

What’s been happening with you?

15 Replies to “All the Good Things”

  1. What a cute baby. Sometimes, it seems like just the other day when my 13 year old daughter was an infant.

    Let’s see… I’m slowly getting back into sewing and I’m finally working myself back into the “crafting for me” equation. Later this week, I’ll start knitting a cowl. It’s a test knit.

  2. Looks like a wonderful few days!! And how exciting that you’re looking into PhD programs! Lots of learning and big fun ahead, for sure. πŸ™‚

    1. It’s a little scary but I just keep reminding myself to breathe. I don’t want to scare myself into not trying and I really think teaching full time is what I want to do.

      1. As someone who stopped a few dissertation chapters short of a PhD, I’ll give you my best piece of advice. If you want it, go for it, and don’t psyche yourself out. No one can stop you but yourself.

      2. You’re right – but I’m so good at psyching myself out! But that’s kind of why I’m putting it out there. To make it known what I really want.

      3. Let me know if you need a pep talk. πŸ˜‰

  3. Wow–that’s a lot of awesome stuff for one week! Congrats on the God baby! And fingers crossed for the PhD program!

  4. Doggie canoli?! How awesome was that?! I LOVE it, Cher totally deserves it for putting up with all the ‘kit’ you put on her and on her head, hahahaha! What a great girl she is!

  5. Ooh! Cute baby!
    What topic are you going to do your PhD on?

Talk to me!